If you have always admired men who can pull off wearing rings and thought that was something that was missing from your wardrobe? If you are interested in fashion, jewellery is something that you need to take a good look...
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The Best of Both worlds.... The inspiration for TISTEN was derived from two of the most popular ring types available today, tungsten and titanium. Both are used extensively in the jewellery industry, and they have long been praised...
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There are a multitude of reasons why you should. When you understand them, we are pretty sure you would want to purchase one from Man Up Jewellery. 1. Men’s rings are mementos of memories you want to cherish forever. What...
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You've found the right person. You've found the right ring. Now you have to find the right moment to pop the question. So how do you make your proposal turn out flawlessly? We have plenty of tried-and-true tips to help...
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Are you wanting to know how to choose a wedding ring to suit your life? Here is a quick guide to picking the right wedding ring for you. Many men have a tough job at finding their wedding ring....
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